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Billy Ocean - Get outta my dreams, get into my car

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Titre : Get outta my dreams, get into my car

Année : 1987

Auteurs compositeurs : Robert John Lange - Billy Ocean

Durée : 4 m 50 s

Label : Jive

Référence : BOS 1 (UK)

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Hey you, get in to my car
Who me?
Yes you, get in to my car
Woooooooooh. Wah! Hey!

Who's that lady
Coming down the road
Who's that lady
Who's that woman
Walking through my door
What's the score
I'll be the sun
Shining on you
Hey Cinderella
Step in your shoe
I'll be your non-stop lover
Get it while you can
Your non-stop miracle
I'm your man

Get outta my dreams
Get in to my car
Get outta my dream
Get in to the back seat baby
Get in to my car
Beep Beep, yeah
Get outta my mind
Get in to my life
Oh I said hey (Hey) you (You)
Get in to my car

Oh baby

Lady driver
Let me take your wheel
Smooth operator
Touch my bumper (Bumper)
Hey, let's make a deal
Make it real
Like a road runner
Coming after you
Just like a hero
Outta the blue
I'll be your non-stop lover
Get it while you can
Your non-stop miracle
I'm your man

Get outta my dreams
Get in to my car
Get outta my dreams
Get in the back seat baby
Get in to my car
Beep beep, yeah
Get outta my mind
Get in to my life
Oh I said hey (Hey) you (You)
Get in to my car

Oh baby, lets go!

I said open the door
(Get in the back)
Tread on the floor
(Get on the track)

Yeah (Yeah) yeah (Yeah)
Yeah (Yeah) yeah (Yeah)

Let's go!!

Oooh, wooow, yeah

I'll be the sun
Shining on you
Hey Cinderella
Step in your shoe
I'll be your non-stop lover
Get it while you can
Your non-stop miracle
I'm your man

Get outta my… get outta my…
Get out my dreams
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1 commentaire
Lou71Lou Le 29/05/2007 à 13:36
Très bonne chanson qui ne vaut tout de même pas "Loverboy"
Son dernier grand tube en France qui date de 1988
Le 45 T. est sortie en 1988 et non 1987 comme indiqué ici
Voici les Paroles : [Merci !]

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