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Pet Shop Boys - Can you forgive her ?

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Titre : Can you forgive her ?

Année : 1992

Auteurs compositeurs : Neil Tennant - Chris Lowe

Pochette : Marcos Leith

Durée : 3 m 53 s

Label : EMI - Parlophone

Référence : 8 80639 2

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Another night with open eyes
Too late to sleep, too soon to rise
You're short of breath, is it a heart attack?
Hot and feverish you face the fact
You're in love, and it feels like shame
Because she's gone and made a fool of you in public again
You're in love, and it feels like pain
Because you know there's too much truth in everything she claims

So ask yourself now
Can you forgive her
If she wants you to?
Ask yourself
Can you even deliver
What she demands of you?

You drift into the strangest dreams
Of youthful follies and changing teams
Admit you're wrong, oh, no, not yet
Then you wake up and remember that you can't forget
She's made you some kind of laughing stock
Because you dance to disco, and you don't like rock
She made fun of you, and even in bed
Said she was gonna go and get herself a real man instead

So ask yourself now
Can you forgive her
If she begs you to?
Ask yourself
Can you even deliver
What she demands of you?
Or do you want revenge?
But that's childish, so childish
(But that's childish, so childish)

Remember when you were more easily led
Behind the cricket pavillion and the bicycle shed
Trembling as your dreams came true
You looked right into those blue eyes and knew
It was love and now you can't pretend
You've forgotten all the promises of that first friend
It's bad enough, she knows how you feel
But she's not prepared to share you with the memory

So ask yourself now
Can you forgive her
If she begs you to?
Ask yourself:
Can you even deliver
What she demands of you?
Ask yourself now
Can you forgive her
If she begs you to?
And ask yourself
Can you even deliver
What she demands of you?
Or do you want revenge?
But that's childish, so childish!
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