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One More Time - Highland

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Highland

Année : 1992

Auteurs compositeurs : H. Fredriksson / P. Gronvall

Durée : 4 m 31 s

Label : CNR Records

Référence : 188.017-7

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Looking out and I'm wondering where I am
While I'm stuck in the daily traffic jam
I decide to get out and leave the car behind me
Everywhere there are people passing by
Empty faces and not a friendly smile
Under stress, loneliness, a part of our city
Now I finally have decided
I will leave it all behind
And discover something better
And l know where I will find
Find a place of harmony. of laughter and of dreams
It you want me, that is where I'll be

I'll be waiting on the Highland
With it's wonderful serenity
Where the stars glow and the brooks flow
That's my way of life
When the mountains on the Highland
And the nature is surrounding me
When the wind blows
That's all I need, all I need

On the highland when I was a child
I would play with my friends, man, we were wild
And we all loved the moors. the nature and it's freedom
And we went for ghost hunt in the mist
I remember the first time I got kissed
By the shy neighbour guy. who whispered "be my girlfriend"
But I longed for some excitement
So l travelled 'round the world
After that I seattled down and
I became a city girl
Want to parties every night and lived intensively
Now l know it's not a life for me


Bonnie Highland, Bonnie Highland, you're so sweet

If you join me I can promise
You'll stay until eternity


All the mountains on the highland are embracing
And surrounding me
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2 commentaires
Hilaneste Lefurion Le 02/09/2011 à 12:00
Des suédois influencés par ABBA ? Pas possible !
Claude Anglois Le 25/09/2011 à 14:36
En fait Nanne, la blonde a la droite, est le belle-fille de Benny des ABBA.

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