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Bardo - One step further

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Titre : One step further

Année : 1982

Auteurs compositeurs : Simon Jeffries

Durée : 2 m 58 s

Label : Epic

Référence : EPCA 2265

Présentation : Représentant du Royaume-Uni en 1982.

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One step further and I would have been there

Can't seem to get your attention no matter how I try
I just want you to prefer me to the other guys
So when you looked at me, you only turned away
So I walked up beside you
But I forgot all the things that I planned to say
I don't know if I tried to

I could have taken one step further
And I would have been there
You could have turned around
And hit me and I wouldn't have cared
All this time I didn't get anywhere
I could have taken one step further
And I would have been there

Ain't got the courage to speak when you're sometimes near
Well I can't seem to think of the things that a girl likes to hear
But when I saw you again, you were all alone
So I walked up beside you
But I was too shy to even ask you home
I don't know if I tried to

I could have taken one step further
And I would have been there
You could have turned around
And hit me and I wouldn't have cared
All this time I didn't get anywhere
I could have taken one step further
And I would have been there

You read my letters on my telegrams
You'd have got around to asking me just who I am
'Cause you know I'm gonna get ya
I'm gonna get ya, I'm gonna get ya

One step further and I would have been there
You could have turned around
And hit me and I wouldn't have cared
All this time I didn't get anywhere
I could have taken one step further
And I would have been

One step further and I would have been there
You could have turned around
And hit me and I wouldn't have cared
All this time I didn't get anywhere
One step further and I would have been there
You could have turned around
And hit me and I wouldn't have cared
All this time I didn't get anywhere
I could have taken one step further
And I would have been

One step further and I would have been there
I could have taken one step further
One step further and I would've been there
One step, one step

Transcripteur : mds75
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