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Bob Rivers - Hey you! Get off my house

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Titre : Hey you! Get off my house

Année : 1997

Auteurs compositeurs : B. Rivers-K. Richards-M. Jagger

Durée : 2 m 55 s

Label : Atlantic

Référence : 83043-2

Présentation : Inspirée de "Get off my cloud" des Rolling Stones

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Hey you!
What are you doing there?

I'm shivering on a Christmas eve
It's 99 below on my block
And I freeze my stones
Trying to close the window
Wishing that snow would stop
Then in flies a cat that's all dressed up in red
With a huge toy sack
Weighs 305 pounds
He gave my roofline a big permanent crack

I said Hey (Hey) you (you) get off of my house
Hey (Hey) you (you) get down from this house
Hey (Hey) you (you) get off of my house
Don't hang around (Don't hang around)
Or I'll knock you down from this house

Those jingle bells were ringing
I said Hey take your deer and get flying
A voice says “Ho Ho Ho how are you?
Merry Christmas to you tonight”
I said it's three a.m. I don't need toys
I got a machine gun under my bed
So keep off of my roof
Or I'll have to blast your candy ass out of that sled

I said Hey (Hey) you (you) get off of my house
Hey (Hey) you (you) stay off of my house
Hey (Hey) you (you) get off you big louse
Don't hang around (Don't hang around)
Or I'll shoot you down from this house

(Up on the roof top reindeer pause)
(Out jumps a swinging Santa Claus)
(Up on the house top click boom click)
(Down to the ground goes stiff Saint Nick)

I say Hey (Hey) you (you) get off of my house
Hey (Hey) you (you) get off of my house
Hey (Hey) you (you) get off my big house
(Don't hang around)
(I'll shoot you down)

"Hey mister, you shot Santa Claus."
"Hey, don't worry, kid. I only nicked him. (Ho Ho Ho)
He'll limp a little, but he'll be all right.”
(Hey you)
"Hey, Steve, Edie, go see what's in the bag."

Don't hang around (Ho Ho Ho)
Oh Yeah

Transcripteur : mds75
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