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Tony Burrello - There's a new sound (The sound of worms)

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Titre : There's a new sound (The sound of worms)

Année : 1953

Auteurs compositeurs : Tony Burrello - Tom Murray

Durée : 2 m 27 s

Label : Horrible

Référence : H100

Présentation : Sur le disque il est mentionné "If it's really a horrible record-It's bound to be a hit".

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[Worm sounds]

There's a new sound,
The newest sound around
The strangest sound that you have ever heard
Not like a wild boar
Or a jungle lion's roar
It isn't like the cry of any bird
But there's a new sound
It's deep down in the ground
And everyone who listens to it squirms
Because this new, new sound
So deep under the ground
Is the sound that's made by worms

[Worm sounds]

There's a new sound,
The newest sound around
The strangest sound that you have ever heard
Not like a wild boar
Or a jungle lion's roar
It isn't like the cry of any bird
But there's a new sound
It's deep down in the ground
And everyone who listens to it squirms
Because this new, new sound
So deep under the ground
Is the sound that's made by worms

[Worm sounds]

There's a new sound,
The newest sound around
The strangest sound that you have ever heard
Not like a wild boar
Or a jungle lion's roar
It isn't like the cry of any bird
But there's a new sound
It's deep down in the ground
And everyone who listens to it squirms
Because this new, new sound
So deep under the ground
Is the sound that's made by worms

[Worm sounds]

There's a new sound,
The newest sound around
The strangest sound that you have ever heard
Not like a wild boar
Or a jungle lion's roar
It isn't like the cry of any bird
But there's a new sound
It's deep down in the ground
And everyone who listens to it squirms
Because this new, new sound
So deep under the ground
Is the sound that's made by worms

[Worm sounds]

There's a new sound,
The newest sound around
The strangest sound that you have ever heard
Not like a wild boar
Or a jungle lion's roar
It isn't like the cry of any bird
But there's a new sound
It's deep down in the ground
And everyone who listens to it squirms
Because this new, new sound
So deep under the ground
Is the sound that's made by worms

[Worm sounds]

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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Voir tous les commentaires

4 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 27/01/2019 à 20:30
Tony Burrello est un compositeur et pianiste de jazz américain, né en 1921.
Sur le disque, il est mentionné que l'enregistrement a été fait à 3400 pieds (1036,32 mètres) sous le niveau de la mer.
Sur la face B du 45 tours figure la chanson "Fish" par Leona Anderson.
Dam-Dam Le 27/01/2019 à 22:04
A chaque répétition, on prend un tierce majeure au-dessus et on accélère, soit cinq fois de suite.

The lyrics :

Jaspion Le 20/09/2019 à 17:24
"Si un disque est vraiment horrible, il devient forcément un tube"

Déjà en 1953… Une phrase visionnaire.
hre mgbye Le 23/04/2021 à 01:06
    L'étiquette précise également le style de la chanson : « Vocal with monotone calliope »

    Le calliope, ou orgue à vapeur, est un instrument composé en gros d'un assemblage de sirènes de bateau (c'est donc très bruyant) :

    Dommage, il manque une chute pour terminer ce morceau qui aurait pu continuer longtemps mais s'arrête au bout de cinq fois on se demande pourquoi.

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