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The Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy for President

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Titre : Snoopy for President

Année : 1968

Auteurs compositeurs : Shapiro-Gernhard

Durée : 2 m 33 s

Label : Laurie Records

Référence : LR 3451

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée la photographie est celle du disque Laurie records SLP 2046.

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The time had come to elect a President
And all the famous candidates thought they were heaven-sent
They screamed and raved and pounded their hands above their hearts
But soon the noble promises were hard to tell apart

Waiting at the pumpkin patch, a dog sincere and brave
And everybody hoped that soon the country he would save
The pumpkin said "The day has come for you to take a stand"
"For love has left the people across our native land"
Some wear the sign of the elephant and some wear the sign of the mule
But we'll hold the sign of the beagle high and love will shine right through

All the politicians, they swore he couldn't win
But Snoopy only shook his head and flashed his famous grin
He jumped into his faithful friend, the Sopwith Camel plane
And bounced around the countryside from Washington to Maine

Some wear the sign of the elephant and some wear the sign of the mule
But we'll hold the sign of the beagle high and love will shine right through

New York State was lookin' bad till Snoopy made a speech
Soon Illinois and Tennessee were both within his reach
He won the vote in Oregon but time was growin' thin
And back at the convention hall, the votes were pourin' in

Snoopy smiled his way into the hearts of everyone
But when the votes were counted up, they found he needed one
The winning vote for Snoopy came when a stranger raised his hand
Snoopy turned, the stranger spoke
[the Red Baron] : "Mein friend, we meet again!"

Some wear the sign of the elephant and some wear the sign of the mule [Ad libitum]

[speaker] : "Introducing…the next President…of the United States of America!">

Transcripteur : Trocol Harum
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 25/05/2019 à 00:00
Les Royal Guardsmen, anciennement les Posmen, sont un groupe originaire de Floride qui a réalisé plusieurs disques, à partir de 1966, consacrés à Snoopy dont "Snoopy vs. the Red Baron", "The return of the Red Baron", "Snoopy for President" et "Snoopy's Christmas".
Le groupe s'est séparé en 1969, mais est revenu sur scène en 2006 avec un single "Snoopy vs. Osama".

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