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The Shaggs - You're something special to me

Voir du même artiste

Titre : You're something special to me

Année : 1982

Auteurs compositeurs : D. Wiggin

Durée : 2 m 2 s

Label : Rounders records

Référence : 3056

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You're something special to me (Two, three, four)
Though others think you're not so grand
I still say you're quite the man

Oh, you're something special to me (Two, three, four)
When I hear your voice, I know
You're the one that makes me go
"You're something special to me" (Two, three, four)

When I see your face, it shows
There's no place I'd rather go
Than to be with you, so
You're something special to me (Two, three, four)

When you smile at me, my day is cleaned
You make me see how happy I can be
You're something special to me (Two, three, four)
(Hut, two, three, four)

Please don't speak unkind words to me
That would make me unhappy
You're something special to me (Two, three, four)
(Hut, two, three, four)

How I want to tell you what you mean to me
I think you're the greatest guy I've ever seen
You're something special to me (Two, three, four)
You're something special to me (Two, three, four)
Oh, you're something special to me (Hut, two, three, four)

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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2 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Trocol Harum Le 22/12/2019 à 20:30
Après le succès de leur premier album "Philosophy of the world", paru en 1966, The Shaggs, sacré plus exécrable groupe de rock américain, revient en 1982 avec un nouvel album "Shaggs' own thing".
Le groupe féminin The Shaggs, originaire de Fremont (New Hampshire) était composé à l'origine de trois sœurs, Dorothy "Dot" Wiggin (chant et guitare), Betty Wiggin (chant et guitare) et Helen Wiggin (batterie) auxquelles se joint, de temps à autres, Rachel Wiggin (basse).
Elles ont notamment interprété "Philosophy of the world", "It's Halloween", "Shaggs own thing", "Who are parents", "My pale foot foot" ou "You're something special to me".

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