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Tina Turner - The acid queen

Voir du même artiste

Titre : The acid queen

Année : 1975

Auteurs compositeurs : Pete Townshend

Pochette : Fred Marcellino

Durée : 3 m 47 s

Label : Polydor

Référence : 2657 014

Présentation : Ce titre fait partie du film musical "Tommy" réalisé, en 1975, par Ken Russell et basé sur l'opéra-rock "Tommy" des Who sorti en 1969.

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If your child ain't all he should be now
This girl will put him right
I'll show him what he could be now
Just give me one night

I'm the gypsy, the acid queen
Pay me before I start
I'm the gypsy and I'm guaranteed
To mend his aching heart

Give us a room, close the door
Leave us for a while
You won't be a boy no more
Young, but not a child

I'm the gypsy, the acid queen
Pay me before I start
I'm the gypsy, I'm guaranteed
To tear your soul apart

Gather your wits and hold them fast
Your mind must learn to roam
Just as the gypsy queen must do
You're gonna hit the road
My work's been done, now look at him
He's never been more alive
His head it shakes, his fingers clutch
Watch his body writhe

I'm the gypsy, the acid queen
Pay me before I start
I'm the gypsy, I'm guaranteed
To break your little heart

If your child ain't all he should be now
This girl will put him right
I'll show him what he could be now
Just give me one more night

I'm the gypsy, the acid queen
Pay me before I start
I'm the gypsy, I'm guaranteed
To tear your soul apart
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 27/01/2020 à 02:28
Le titre, "The acid queen", interprété par The Who figurait sur l'album concept Tommy paru en 1969.

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