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Giles, Giles and Fripp - Elephant song

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Titre : Elephant song

Interprète : King Crimson

Année : 1968

Auteurs compositeurs : M. Giles

Pochette : Gered Mankowitz

Durée : 3 m 14 s

Label : Deram

Référence : SML 1022

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"Very very nice, " said a man in the crowd
As the elephant jumped through a hoop
"Who asked you?" the elephant cried
As he stooped and took a bow
"Well it's not every day you see something like that
And I thought it was jolly good!"
"How do you know", the elephant said,
"You're a man and a fat one at that!"
"Very very nice, " said the man in the crowd
When the golden voice appeared
She was gold alright, but then so is rust
"Such a shame about the beard."
"How dare you say things like that", it said,
"You ought to be ashamed!" – he was
"But I thought your voice was pretty good
And that beard is good for a goat!"
"Very very nice, " said the same man in the crowd
The one the elephant said was fat
"He was all nyet, " someone said with words
And I looked around with eyes
Hello, it's the peanut bride gooseing the aisle,
Her leather back towards the orchestra
"What you'd want, love?" she said to a man
"A four-penny please, and a six-penny bag."
"Very very nice, " said the man in the crowd
As I smelled his peanut teeth
"Would you like some?"
I said, "Yes please"
We all had one tooth each
By now of course the second half had started
"Let's all warm our hands", said aloud
"My feet aren't cold as in sheepskin gloves."
"Ah but we're burning all the artists."
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 13/06/2020 à 04:35
Le groupe s'est formé à l'origine en trio (Robert Fripp à la guitare, Michael Giles à la batterie et au chant et Peter Giles à la basse et au chant) à Bournemouth, Royaume-Uni, en septembre 1967. A la mi-année 1968, ils ont été rejoints brièvement par Judy Dyble au chant, et Ian McDonald au saxophone, aux claviers et au chant. Entre novembre 1968 et janvier 1969, les autres membres ont été rejoints par Greg Lake, au départ de Peter Giles, puis par le parolier-roadie Peter Sinfield, et ont changé de nom pour devenir King Crimson.

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