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Procol Harum - Homburg

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Titre : Homburg

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : Gary Brooker - Keith Reid

Pochette : X.

Durée : 3 m 55 s

Label : Stateside

Référence : FSS 513

Présentation : 45 tours hors album du groupe, le titre fait référence au chapeau.

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Your multilingual businessfriend
Has packed her bags and fled
Leaving only ashfilled ashtrays
And the lipsticked unmade bed
The mirrors on reflection
Has climbed back upon the wall
For the floor she found descended
And the ceiling was too tall

Your trousers cuffs are dirty
And your shoes are laced up wrong
You'd better take off your homburg
Cause your overcoat is toolong

The town clock in the market square
Stands waiting for the hour
When it's hands they both turn backwards
And on meeting Will devour
Both themselves and also any fool
Who dares to tell the time
And the sun and moon will shudder
And the signpost cease tosign

Your trousers cuffs are dirty
And your shoes are laced up wrong
You'd better take off your homburg
Cause your overcoat is toolong

Your trousers cuffs are dirty
And your shoes are laced up wrong
You'd better take off your homburg
Cause your overcoat is toolong

Your trousers cuffs are dirty
And your shoes are laced up wrong
You'd better take off your homburg
Cause your overcoat is toolong
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