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Midnight Oil - Put down that weapon

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Titre : Put down that weapon

Année : 1988

Auteurs compositeurs : Peter Garrett - Bones Hillman - Rob Hirst - Jim Moginie - Martin Rotsey

Durée : 4 m 37 s

Label : CBS

Référence : 654705 7

Présentation : Extrait du sixième album du groupe "Diesel and Dust".

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Under the waterline
No place to retire
To another time
The eyes of the world now turn

And if we think about it
And if we talk about it
And if the skies go dark with rain
Can you tell me does our freedom remain

Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone
You can't hide nowhere with the torchlight on
And it happens to be an emergency
Some things aren't meant to be
Some things don't come for free

Above the waterline
Point the finger yeah point the bone
It's the harbour towns
That the grey metal ships call home
And if we think about it
And if we talk about it
And if the sea goes boiling black
Can you tell me what you'll do about that

Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone
I must know something to know it's so wrong
And it happens to be an emergency
Some things aren't meant to be
Some things don't come for free

They keep talking about it
They keep talking about it
They keep talking
They keep talking…

You can't hide nowhere

And it happens to be an emergency
Some things aren't meant to be
Some things don't come for free

Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone
I must know something to know it's so wrong

And it happens to be an emergency
Some things aren't meant to be
Some things don't come for free

Put down that weapon or we'll all be gone
I must know something to know it's so wrong
And it happens to be an emergency
Some things aren't meant to be
Some things don't come for free

Transcripteur : scaracrabe
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