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John Forster - The Big Mac Tree

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Titre : The Big Mac Tree

Année : 1993

Auteurs compositeurs : John Forster

Pochette : Susan Wilson

Durée : 2 m 51 s

Label : Philo

Référence : PH 1164

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Sing a song of ecology.
Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree.
Nature's ways are a mystery.
Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree.
When MacDonald's planned a farm
Down Bolivia way
They started clearing the rain forest
A thousand acres a day.
Pasture land where the Big Mac cow
Could graze and take steroid
And live the life of the Reilly cow
Till they get destroyed.

And when they chop down the Big Mac Tree
And then chop up the Big Mac Guernsey
They turn the jungle into all beef patty.
So the Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree.

Then they ship Big Mac to the Golden Arch
Before it decompose
Where it's served by the giant labor force
Wearing those funny clothes.
Okay job for the girls and boys
of the high school age
But end of line for the underclass
At the minimum wage.

Oh the Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree.
Turn into jobs up in New Jersey
For teenager and minority.
Oh the Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree.

Now, the people sit down to eat Big Mac
At the shopping mall.
And every bite is a massive dose
Of the cholesterol.
In your blood Big Mac congeal
Into deadly plaque.
One day a greaseball jam your valve.
Whoops! A Big Mac attack.

Oh ho ho.
The Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree. (Arriba! Arriba!)
Turn into jobs up in New Jersey. (Secaucus. Secaucus.)
And then it clog up your artery.
Oh the Big Mac come from the Big Mac,
Big Mac come from the Big Mac,
Big Mac come from the Big Mac Tree.
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Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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