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Challengers - Running in the dark

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Titre : Running in the dark

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : Jack Donder

Durée : 2 m 32 s

Label : Disc'AZ

Référence : SG 120

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Running in the dark
I don't find the girl of my heart
and I'm running
and I'm searching
the girl of the dark

Once day, I had a dream
And I saw the girl that I mean
but I could love her
I couldn't touch her
that girl of my dream

I know that one day
I will find the girl of my way
she will love me
she will hold me
the girl of my way

Running in the dark
I don't find the girl of my heart
and I'm running
and I'm searching
the girl of the dark

Once day, I had a dream
AND I saw the girl that I mean
but I could love her
I couldn't touch her
that girl of my dream

pa pa pa
pa pa paâh pa-pa pa-pa pa
pa pa pa pa
pa pa pa pa
pa pa pa, pa pa pa

pa pa pa
pa pa paâh pa-pa pa-pa pa
pa pa pa pa
pa pa pa pa
pa pa pa, pa pa pa

Running in the dark
I don't find the girl of my heart
and I'm running
and I'm searching
the girl of the dark

One more time I say !

Running in the dark
I don't find the girl of my heart
and I'm running
and I'm searching…
merci à Fauvelus
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4 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
kalimoucho Le 04/07/2005 à 22:00
Vive B&M et son programme Seventies! Que de bonnes choses je découvre… à moins que mon subconscient n'ai déjà capté cette mélodie et ce rythme quand je n'étais qu'un enfant … Ah ben non, le programme 70's est fini depuis 9 mn et en 1969 je n'existais pas encore.
nosta Le 11/07/2005 à 21:10
merci a B&M pour ces supers programmes seventies !!! Que de souvenirs !!!!!!!!
jaunidaliday Le 28/11/2005 à 21:23
Ca ressemble à "Spicks and specks" des Bee Gees.

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