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Wham! - Wham rap! (Enjoy what you do)

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Titre : Wham rap! (Enjoy what you do)

Année : 1982

Auteurs compositeurs : Panos (George Michael) / Ridgeley

Durée : 6 m 46 s

Label : EPIC

Référence : EPC A 2442

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I am!
A man!
Job or no job
You can't tell me that I'm not
Enjoy what you do?
If not, just stop
Don't stay there and rot

You got soul…
You got soul…
I said get, get, get on down, said get, get, get, on down
I said get, get, get on down, said get, get, get, on down

Hey everybody take a look at me,I've got street credibility, I may not have a job, but I have a good time, with the boys that i meet "down on the line" I said, I - don't - need - you, so you don't approve, well who asked you to?
Hey - jerk - you - work
This boy's got better things to do
I ain't never gonna work, get down in the dirt, I choose to cruise.
Gonna live my life, sharp as a knife, I've found my groove and i just can't lose.
A.1. style from head to toe, cCool cat flash gonna let you know,
I'm a soul boy - i'm a dole boy, take pleasure in leisure, i believe in joy!


Party nights, and neon lights, we hit the floors, we hit the heights. Dancing shoes, and pretty girls, boys in leather kiss girls in pearls!
Hot-damn! Everybody, let's play! so they promised you a good job - no way! One, two, three, rap! C'mon everybody, don't need this crap!


If you're a pub man or a club man, maybe a jet black guy with a hip hi-fi, a white cool cat with a trilby hat, maybe leather and studs is where you're at make the most of every day, don't let hard times stand in your way, give a wham give a bam but don't give a damn cos the benefit gang are gonna pay!

Now reach up high and touch your soul, the boys from wham! Will help you reach that goal.
It's gonna break your mama's heart, (so sad)
It's gonna break your daddy's heart, (too bad)
But you'll throw the dice and take my advice,
Because i know that you're smart.
Can you dig this thing? - yeah!
Are you gonna get down? - yeah!
Say wham! - wham!
Say bam! - bam!


Do you want to work? - No
Are you gonna have fun? - Yeah
Said one, two, three, rap, c'mon everybody,
Don't need this crap!
Enjoy what you do?
Everybody say wham! - Wham!
Everybody say wham! Bam! - Wham! Bam!
Enjoy what you do?
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3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
morphee Le 28/05/2005 à 12:39
Premier single du groupe Wham!, sorti en 1982. Version maxi, ça fera plaisir à certains ! (oui :-) -Sap*)
A noter : c'est encore le nom grec de George Michael qui figure sur le disque.
saperlipopette Le 19/11/2006 à 20:28
Pour être exact, Panos est le nom que le père de George Michael a pris lorsqu'il s'est installé en Angleterre : Jack Panos au lieu de Κυριάκος Παναγιώτου (Kyriacos Panayiotou). Le vrai nom de George Michael est Γιώργος-Κυριάκος Παναγιώτου (Georgios-Kyriacos Panayiotou).

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