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ABC - When Smokey sings

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Titre : When Smokey sings

Année : 1987

Auteurs compositeurs : Martin Fry - Mark White

Durée : 4 m 17 s

Label : mercury

Référence : 888 604-7

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Debonair lullabies in melodies revealed
In deep despair on lonely nights
He knows just how you feel
The slyest rhymes - the sharpest suits
In miracles made real

Like a bird in flight on a hot sweet night
You know you're right just to hold her tight
He soothes it right - makes it outtasite
And everything's good in the world tonight!

When smokey sings - I hear violins
When smokey sings - I forget everything
As she's packing her things
As she's spreading her wings
The front door might slam
But the back door it rings
And smokey sings…he sings

Elegance in eloquence - for sale or rent or hire
Should I say - yes I match his best
Then I would be a liar
Symphonies that soothe the rage
When lovers hearts catch fire

Like a bird in flight on a hot sweet night
You know you're right just to hold her tight
He soothes it right - makes it outtasite
And everything's good in the world tonight!

When smokey sings - I hear violins
When smokey sings - I forget everything
As she's packing her things
As she's spreading her wings
Smashing the hell
With the heaven she brings
Then smokey sings…he sings

Luther croons
Sly's the original - originator
James screams
Marvin was the only innovator
But nothing can compare
Nothing can compare
When smokey sings

When smokey sings - I hear violins
When smokey sings - I forget everything
As she's packing her things
As she's spreading her wings
She threw back the ring
When smokey sings…
Smokey sings…
Smokey sings…
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Voir tous les commentaires

2 commentaires
morphee Le 21/12/2005 à 16:13
En hommage à Smokey Robinson, auteur entre autres de "Being with you".
Ritzle Le 21/12/2005 à 17:30
et voici les paroles: [Merci]

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