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Sheila B. Devotion - You light my fire

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Titre : You light my fire

Année : 1978

Auteurs compositeurs : Mike Wickfield - Paul Racer (Mat Camison - Claude Carrère) - P. Forest

Durée : 3 m 29 s

Label : Carrere

Référence : 49 393

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You light my fire
you light my fire
Come on and teach me all of your philosophy
Desires running wild for leaning inside me
Ou ou ou ou ou ou discover all we can
Ou ou ou ou ou ou of nature art and man

You light my fire
you light my fire
You opened up my door in every single way
Because of you it's true I'm leaving every d'ay
Ou ou ou ou ou ou well it's a crying shame
Ou ou ou ou ou ou when no one lights your flame
I'm shaking my roots
new boots
Hony I'm learning everything
all a new
hey hey hey

You light my fire
you light my fire
A passing shooting star has lost a silver spark
And it's a fuse
you used when you lit up my heart

You light my fire
you light my fire
It's such a lonely town when you are out of sight
And my heart's wearing tears when you are late at night
Ou ou ou ou ou ou you knock me of my feet
Ou ou ou ou ou ou you're loving really neat
I'm travelling your way
to stay
You've made my world so beautiful and so true
hey he

You light my fire
AII my desires concentrating on you
hey hey hey

you light my fire
AII my desires concentrating on you
hey hey hey

Oh it's getting higher ou ou a blazing fire
I need you. You need me too. In my soul I feel it burnir
Can't you see it burnin'
hot hot I can't control it
Losin' my control. You've got my heart on fire
explode beating with desire
Stop stop don't overload.

Fire you
light my fire . . .
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